City of Cranbrook — Total Monthly Unique Visitors

Monthly unique visitor count and total trip per total property.

Total Unique Visitors in 2022

Total Trips in 2022

Total monthly unique visitors

Total monthly unique visitors in 2022 compared to 2021 and 2019

Data source: TELUS Insights

Total monthly trips

Total monthly trips in 2022 compared to 2021 and 2019

Data source: TELUS Insights

Monthly domestic unique visitors

Monthly unique domestic visitors in 2022 compared to 2021 and 2019

Data source: TELUS Insights

Monthly international unique visitors

Monthly unique international visitors in 2022 compared to 2021 and 2019

Data source: TELUS Insights

Monthly day stay visits

Monthly day stay visits in 2022 compared to 2021 and 2019

Data source: TELUS Insights

Monthly overnight stay visits

Monthly overnight stay visits in 2022 compared to 2021 and 2019

Data source: TELUS Insights

City of Cranbrook — Total Monthly Unique Visitors by Province

Monthly unique visitor count and total trips of Canadians broken down by assumed home Province.

Top Province by Unique Visitors

Top Province by Number of Trips

Total monthly unique visitors by province

Total monthly unique visitors in 2022 by province compared to 2021 and 2019

Data source: TELUS Insights

Total monthly trips by province

Total monthly trips by province in 2022 compared to 2021 and 2019

Data source: TELUS Insights

Unique monthly visitors by province in 2022

Domestic visitors by province in 2022 by month

Data source: TELUS Insights

Unique monthly visitors by province in 2021

Domestic visitors by province in 2021 by month

Data source: TELUS Insights

City of Cranbrook — Total Monthly Unique Visitors by Country

Monthly unique visitors count and total trip of International visitors broken down by country.

Top Country by Unique Visitors

Top Country by Number of Trips

Total monthly unique visitors by country

Total monthly unique visitors in 2022 by country compared to 2021 and 2019

Data source: TELUS Insights

Total monthly trips by country

Total monthly trips by country in 2022 compared to 2021 and 2019

Data source: TELUS Insights

City of Cranbrook — Unique Visitors by Length of Stay

Monthly length of stay per total property.

Top Length of Stay by Unique Visitors

Top Length of Stay by Change

Domestic unique visitors by length of stay

Total monthly unique domestic visitors in 2022 by length of stay compared to 2021 and 2019

Data source: TELUS Insights

International unique visitors by length of stay

Total monthly unique international visitors in 2022 by length of stay compared to 2021 and 2019

Data source: TELUS Insights

East Kootenay — Region Monthly Unique Visitors

Monthly unique visitor count and total trip per total property.

Total Unique Visitors in 2022

Total Trips in 2022

Total monthly unique visitors

Total monthly unique visitors in 2022 compared to 2021 and 2019

Data source: TELUS Insights

Total monthly trips

Total monthly trips in 2022 compared to 2021 and 2019

Data source: TELUS Insights

TELUS Insights defintion of East Kootenay Region

Data source: TELUS Insights

City of Cranbrook — Local Tourism Insights

Municipal and Regional District Tax yearly

Total Municipal and Regional District Tax (MRDT) per year

Data source: City of Cranbrook

Municipal and Regional District Tax monthly

Total Municipal and Regional District Tax (MRDT) per month

Data source: City of Cranbrook

Occupancy yearly

Total occupancy per year

Data source: City of Cranbrook

Occupancy monthly

Total occupancy per month

Data source: City of Cranbrook

Airport passengers yearly

Total number of airport paseengers per year

Data source: City of Cranbrook

Visitors served yearly

Total number of visitors served per year

Data source: City of Cranbrook

Website visits yearly

Total number of website visits per year

Data source: City of Cranbrook


TELUS has implemented industry-leading Privacy by Design standards to ensure that privacy is not compromised. All the data analyzed by TELUS Insights is strongly de-identified, meaning it cannot be traced back to an individual. It is also aggregated into large data pools to reveal mass-movement patterns and trends, and extrapolated to be representative of the total Canadian population as a further means of ensuring that privacy is fully protected at all times. For further information, please visit: or email at


A visitor is defined as anyone who has an assumed home area outside of the tourism destination area (study location). To be counted a visitor must stop in the area for at least 3 hours, this ensures we capture relevant quality trips. To exclude visitors regularly commuting for work, school or taking routine trips (e.g., errands, household grocery shopping, etc.) a global filter has been applied to remove any visitors taking 6 or more trips within a week, during the study month. Domestic visitor counts can be broken down by their assumed home Province and Neighbourhood Forward Sortation Area (FSA). International visitors can be broken down by their country of origin, and American visitors broken down by State.
Unique and total trip counts
TELUS Insights provides two types of count outputs: a unique count and a total trip count. The unique count is the number of visitors seen at least once in the area and the total trip count is the number trips taken by all visitors to the study area, during a given timeframe (e.g. monthly, weekly, daily). A visitor must leave and return to the area within the timeframe for it to be counted as multiple trips. For example, if a visitor takes 2 trips in September 2021, and 3 trips in October 2021 to the same study area. In September 2021 they would be counted as 1 unique and 2 total trips. In October 2021.
Stay type definitions
Visitor counts can be distinguished between day and overnight stays using the following definitions. A day-stay is time spent in the study area more than 3 hours and not between the hours of 2:AM and 6:AM. An overnight stay is time spent in the study area more than 3 hours and with time between the hours of 2:AM and 6:AM
Trip type definitions
Visitors can be distinguished between day trippers and tourists. A day tripper is a visitor that took a same-day trip, where the visitor left and returned to their assumed home area during the same 24 hours. A tourist is a visitor that took a multi-day trip where the visitor left and returned to their assumed home area longer than 24 hours.

Tourism data has been provided by TELUS Insights and acquired by City of Cranbrook. It is published on Choose Cranbrook data portal for informational purposes, by permission of TELUS Insights. You are hereby not permitted to download the Tourism Insights page charts that are based on data provided by TELUS Insights.